Larry and Jerry!
By Mikey WP
You mix Larry, Jerry and Dante and what do you get? Freakin awesome lit.
I've loved Larry Niven's work since I was a child. But this. This is Epic!
A Hellish read
By Longscar
I'll have to re-read this a few more times before I manage to "get" the story. I really enjoyed the original "Inferno" and have descended into Infernoland many times over the years. However, the current incarnation is so choppy and tries so hard to be literature that it is a hard read and therefore not nearly as much fun as the first one.
Having said that, I believe the Larry and Jerry collaboration to be one of the best, if not the best in all of science fiction. However, this is not their best work.
Good read, good sequel.
By Sizz-Lorr_81
I read the first Inferno about 12 years ago at the suggestion of a high school physics teacher and loved it. This is an excellent addition to that novel. Niven and Pournell can write wonderful hard core science fiction. A great amount of research went into making sure the people encountered during this trip through hell were historically accurate. They are fairly equally represented through time.
Overall I believe that this book was definitely worth $8 and will re-read it at some point in the future.
Escape from Hell
By drira
Outstanding work, highly recommended, I've been reading this as I sit by the bed of my dying father,which in some ethereal way gave this work even greater meaning.
I believe this work transcends the original.