What the Night Knows (with bonus novella Darkness Under the Sun) - Dean Koontz

What the Night Knows (with bonus novella Darkness Under the Sun)

By Dean Koontz

  • Release Date: 2010-12-28
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers
Score: 4
From 317 Ratings



In the late summer of a long-ago year, Alton Turner Blackwood brutally murdered four families. His savage spree ended only when he himself was killed by the last survivor of the last family, a fourteen-year-old boy.

Half a continent away and two decades later, someone is murdering families again, re-creating in detail Blackwood’s crimes. Homicide detective John Calvino is certain that his own family—his wife and three children—will be targets, just as his parents and sisters were victims on that distant night when he was fourteen and killed their slayer.

As a detective, John is a man of reason who deals in cold facts. But an extraordinary experience convinces him that sometimes death is not a one-way journey, that sometimes the dead return.

Includes the bonus novella Darkness Under the Sun and an excerpt from Dean Koontz's The City!


  • Insanity

    By Audicity
    I only read this one because one reviewer said it was not about the supernatural and I wanted to believe that after reading A Big Little Life. I have known the feeling that comes from loving a beautiful golden retriever so I hoped he could write something better than ghost stories. I have to wonder about the mind of a man that can imagine such horrors. Will not read another Koontz book.
  • Don't waste...

    By CristianoCruz
    ...your time or your money. This book is a total disappointment. It started off as a serial killer story, turned into supernatural, then on to fantasy/science fiction??? So lame. And completely unoriginal. (A little girl makes a wheel-like object from Legos...it rolls down the stairs, into the back yard...and turns into a portal...??? W.T.F.??)
  • Disappointing for a Koontz Novel

    By Recruiterrick
    I am a long time reader and fan of Koontz. It hurts me to give a bad review but the truth is that this was a very dissapointing novel in a few ways. First off the first 3/4 of this was so boring that I almost put it away, but kept saying to myself that may e it will get better. The last 50 pages or so at least had some decent action, but the story was stupid at best. Thing I kept going back to was, this book was not even an original Koontz thought. It is extremely similar to the late 1990's movie which was written as a screenplay for Denzel Washington movie The Fallen. If I were you I wouldn't waste my money on this.
  • Great book!

    By Lauran7
    Really good read. Scary!
  • What the night knows

    By Monique French-Brown
    Well done, Mr. Koontz.
  • Nail biter!

    By #1beast
    This is a really great book. It's one of the few books that actually kept me on the edge of my chair! Dean Koontz is a wonderful author.
  • Amazing Read!

    By Reverend-Nasty
    I've never read a book by Dean Koontz before. But, after this book, I now consider myself a Dean Koontz fan, and plan to purchase other Koontz novels. This book was very creepy, and kept me turning the pages! I highly recommend this book to anybody that likes thrillers. A+
  • Fantastic

    By Annieb13
    Love this book DK is quickly becoming a favorite.
  • Dean Koontz

    By Bobk14
    does it again. He is pure genius, with an imagination that dazzles. I'm not to sure about Melody at the end though. How did she get involved and why does she want to kill children? Maybe I missed something. This book is one that the reader has to pay attention with all the characters and time frames. A great read though.
  • Not too easy

    By 2illogical
    I've read all of Mr. Koontz's work. I love his theme- bad things happen to good people, but there is faith, grace, and mercy to carry the day. With that in mind, this was a hard read, there was so much evil represented so well that it was disturbing, very disturbing. BUT well worth it in the end, pulled off well. If you are a fan then you will like this.