6th Edition. Very rare and exceptional opportunity to enter an Anunnaki-Ulema circle (School/Society)) and hear directly their voices and secret teachings; learn their supernatural techniques; see the miracles they perform; meeting 5 great Anunnaki Ulema living among us; learning their wisdom and mind-bending secrets to get rid of fear, anxiety and change failure into booming success; entering the next dimensions (4th & 5th); revisiting your childhood in other time-space; changing your past & bringing it to the present, thus increasing your chances of getting better job, longer life, blocking others' attempts to harm you; something you never knew about UFOs, Anunnaki & extraterrestrials shape-shifting; how and where Greys, Hybrids, extraterrestrial-intraterrestrial human-aliens and cloned entities live Their bases and habitats; their children & contacts with the military.