For the first time in the history of modern ufology & Anunnaki, real people communicate with 300/500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema & write to them, read their correspondence, questions& answers. Are you protected by an angel, a "Double", your astral body The whole secrets & story of the German first UFOs, frontiers of the world beyond; Nibiru, the Anunnaki's physical & non-Physical dimensions. Matrix of humanity, Matrix of the Universe, Matrix of your life & future. Description of how Anunnaki created Mankind. This is what you see & feel when you enter Nibiru, the afterlife & other dimensions. Description of Grays fetuses storage room, tubes & containers, operation room for breeding, hybridization, creating new race. Complete description of the habitat of hybrids, cloned people, how they live day by day. Relation between you, Anunnaki and God (is he real or fake ) Why aliens & humans have MIND not a soul