Complete description of the Anunnaki life on Nibiru "Ne.Ne.Ru" Ashtari. Is there any possibility that a mysterious planet inhabited by and/or fashioned by the Anunnaki, could traverse through our universe, unnoticed by scientists Absolutely! Could this planet be Ashtari-Ne.Be.Ru Yes! Is Ashtari-Ne.Be.Ru the legendary Nibiru Yes, but not as it has been portrayed and depicted by other best-selling authors! Is Nibiru, all of the following: Ne.Be.Ru, Jupiter, Mercury, Marduk, Ashtari, a stargate, a Ba'ab, a space-time station, a crossing station in space, the planet of the Anu.Na.Ki Yes, and much more! Did the Akkadian/Sumerian Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish) mention Nibiru "Ne.Be.Ru" Yes. Was Nibiru "Ne.Be.Ru" mentioned as a planet or a star It was mentioned as a celestial body, as well as a deity, a point or a station in the space used to cross or traverse the universe. This book explores all the possibility and much more.