1.Summary of the German UFOs' projects. 2.From Nazi Germany captured secret files. 3.The American OSS initial report on German rockets, The US Government secret files on the German UFOs, and the voluminous 1945-1947 British Secret Service (MI6) files on German technology and UFOs. 4. UFOs and secret German esoteric societies. 5.The Ladies of the Vril. 6.German mediums receive messages from the extraterrestrials on how to build UFOs. 7.Germany's first Bell-UFOs. 8.The German RFZ 7 UFO, armed with nuclear heads to attack New York. 9.Haunebu UFOs. 10.The Andromedia UFO mothership. 11.The THULE Society. 12. The German UFO Horten. 13. UFOs Gallery: Fact or Fake Comments on German UFOs reported by independent media, ufologists, and posted on the Internet. 14.Sketches of all the German UFOs.